Colors are categorized in 3 groups, namely main colors, intermediate colors and contrasting colors.
1. Main colors: Consist of red, yellow and blue colors on the color wheel which cannot be achieved by mixing with each other. They can be used in decoration as two colors together, one color or with lighter tones of other colors.
2. Intermediate colors: They are the colors of the color wheel which can be achieved by mixing with main colors. Purple is achieved by mixing red and blue, green by mixing yellow and blue and orange by mixing red and yellow. Variety may be achieved by using them with the tones of themselves like other colors.
3. Contrasting colors: Colors, which are directly opposite each other on the color wheel are called contrasting or complementary colors. When used together, contrasting colors look vivid and bright and create the highest contrast effect as they increase the power of each other. These colors, namely red-green, yellow-purple and blue-orange have a complementary and supplementary property for each other. Therefore, they are regarded as complementing each other.