You can realize the designs of your dreams with limitless texture and color combinations of Betektect Silicone and Betektect Mineral Coatings.
New generation silicone technology forms maximum water resisting and breathing exterior walls for both silicone coatings and silicone thermal insulation system paints applied on mineral coatings. Thanks to the top coating and paint layers with high adherence and resistance against dirt, aesthetic appearance and performance of Betektect Thermal Insulation System will be protected for years.
Limitless imaginations
Betektect Surface Decoration brings the aesthetical look and beauty in your dreams to your building surfaces. Betektect Elastic Brick and Decor Profiles, Silicone Thermal Insulation System Paints, Mineral and Silicone Coating products, which are produced with Betek Boya's expertise and sense of quality, are used alternatively and most creative color options appealing to your eye are offered to you.